The Next Workout
Mallory Cres
Tuesday Night @ 6:30pm | March 18, 2025
5 x 2 loops (2'RI)
520m per loop
The Meeting Place
Leaside High School
We meet inside.
Enter at the East Entrance next to the parking lot
and go down one flight of stairs.
The Weather
XSNRG is a running club that provides runners of all levels weekly club led interval training to develop strength, stamina, and speed, in a supportive and social environment. From beginners to accomplished competitive runners, no one is too slow or too fast to run with XSNRG – all you need is the desire to train and improve your running!
Structured workouts will help you improve, but they are not always easy to do on your own. Our
Tuesday night workouts, led by instructors, make it easy, give you company, and help keep you motivated with your running.
Meeting Locations
The club meets in the Leaside area every Tuesday night at 6:30 p.m. and runs to a different workout
location each week, focusing either on speed intervals or hill training. A typical workout includes a warm-up, cool-down, running tips on technique and the workout, and is usually finished by 8:00 p.m.
NO ONE is too slow or too fast to run with XSNRG. All that is needed is the desire to run with others and to improve. Join us for our Tuesday Night Workouts … you’ll have fun and improve your running – all because of XSNRG’s workouts!
If you are able to run at least 6 to 8 km, you are ready to come out and increase your endurance, power and speed with XSNRG.
Every Tuesday evening @ 6:30 pm sharp the club leaves as a group for a warmup jog to a different weekly workout run.
Workouts are organized and led by club run leaders and consist of running intervals and will vary weekly from hills to speed.
Stretches, warmups and cool downs start and finish every workout.
April 23, 2019
Membership Night May 28
Join us for the 2019/2020 XS Membership night at the Amsterdam Pub after the May 28th workout. Watch for the Evite being emailed out ... more
April 16, 2019
Strides for Strokes Race Discount
Mackenzie Health will be running an event on May 4th for Strides for Strokes. It's a 5K walk/run through the streets of Richmond Hill and Vaughan to raise funds for ...
Mackenzie more
March 25, 2019
Water Station Volunteers needed for the Sporting Life 10K
The organizers of the Sporting Life 10k on Sunday May 12th want to know if XSNRG wants to (1) earn the club some money for bringing people to work at the 7k water station ...
downtown (near the Sheraton hotel) and (2) by doing so, assist Camp Oochigeas, the camp for kids with cancer. Organizers know that having RUNNERS such as our club work at the station will mean a higher degree of professionalism and efficiency than that from the high school kids who will round out the numbers at it. Organizers plan on having 100 volunteers at this more
February 12, 2019
(Freezing) Rain Date - Hot Chocolate Night Moved To February 19th
Due to the inclement weather and probable low turnout, we'll be postponing tonight's (February 12th) Hot Chocolate Night to next week (February ...
19th).read more
September 18, 2018
Guest appearance @ Terry Fox Run in Kelowna B.C.
Darrell Fox, younger brother to Terry Fox and a former member of XSNRG, made an appearance at the 2018 Terry Fox in Kelowna, B.C.
He is joined by Joan and Mary ...
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May 15, 2018
Membership Night: May 29
You're invited to XSNRG's annual membership night, right after the last Tuesday run in May (the 29th @ 8pm).
We're trying out a couple of new things this year. ...
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Running Hills