This race will have 23,000 runners pass the station over two hours (at the Scotiabank race that we work at, a total of 17,000 in the half and full pass by... the 8,000 in the 5k don't).
Allan Williams from the club is in charge of this 7K station which is on York St between Adelaide and Richmond. To prepare drinks for 23,000 runners, volunteers need to start early so the arrival time at the station will be 5:45AM. The race starts at 7:30am for the first corral of about 3000 and corrals go every 25 min. or so until 9am. Staggering the times means less chaos from masses trying to get drinks at once and a steadier flow of runners.
The last runners should pass the station shortly after 10am but by then some tables will already be down and the clean-up started. You should be out of there about 11AM or earlier.
All club members, family, friends can volunteer but must be high school age or older. If anyone has high school kids who need volunteer hours, they are most welcome, AND they’ll be given two extra volunteer hours to cover their travel time.
Yes May 12th is Mother’s Day but there’s a good chance your mother doesn’t want to see you before 11am that day (give her a break, she deserves a sleep-in!... take her to brunch or dinner) so come out and help the club and the race!
Parking: we always urge people to carpool of course but remember that on Sundays it’s free parking in designated street parking spots until 1pm so you’ll be good for the morning. We’ll get some parking suggestions to you later.
The process is easy…. EMAIL Michael Brennan to confirm your attendance, providing names, email addresses and T-shirt sizes of each volunteer who comes with you. He’ll make the initial list of those from the club who can help. Race volunteer coordinator, Melanie Edwards, will send more info as race day approaches so she must have a way of getting that info to each volunteer.
Please contact Michael asap at: